Power BI: HTML formatted titles
I hope Microsoft will allow HTML or BBCode tags in titles [ideas.powerbi.com]. It will be a game changer. In many cases a formatted title replaces a legend an looks better than a legend.

What you see on the screenshot is not possible in Power BI now. At least using Title property of a visual. I used HTML Content visual.

Measure to generate HTML formatted title:
Krakow vs other :=VAR _period =
MIN ( ‘Date'[Year] ) & “-“
& MAX ( ‘Date'[Year] )
IF (
HASONEVALUE ( xCity[City] ),
“PM10 in <span style=’color:#E66C37′><b>Krakow</b></span> compare to <span style=’color:#000000′><b>”
& SELECTEDVALUE ( xCity[City] ) & “</b></span>, “ & _period & ” (%)”,
“PM10 in <span style=’color:#E66C37′><b>Krakow</b></span> compare to <span style=’color:#000000′><b>average</b></span> (excluding Krakow), “ & _period & ” (%)”
It works, but I would prefer to be able to do it using Title property of a visual. When HTML Content visual used it requires a bit more time to implement (need to insert, align, resize an adjust an additional visual), it affects report performance (more visuals on a page), it won’t be visible in Focus Mode.